Why Worry?

July 26 2005
So I'm sitting here with my hair piled on a sticky mound atop my head, coated in hydrogen peroxide, cetyl alcohol, a lovely little bugger called pyro-phosphate, and various other unpronouncable carcinogens. I'm emanating a distinct ammonia stench.

I think I may have inadvertantly gassed the frog whilst slathering this over my scalp. As soon as the "colour developer" was opened, he stopped moving. And hasn't started since. I'd feel mildly guilty if the dratted thing hadn't decided to infiltrate my room one night. YOU try waking up to an invisible speck jumping around the room, driving the cat into a frenzy.

I've been able to mold my hair into some pretty neat shapes, though. The faux-hawk, wilting spikes, and something resembling the turquoise lady-Jedi's twin head-growth's are the most notorious thus far.

I feel vaguely like the fantastic Ghost Busters. "Why worry? We just have unlicensed nuclear reactors strapped on our backs."

Why worry? I just have chemicals that if left in a closed container will cause it to explode saturating my hair [no joke -- it's a label warning].

T-minus 6 minutes to finding out whether I will indeed have neon orange hair or not.

::::LATER:::: Things are looking suspiciously crimson up there. I'll give it a few more minutes.... If I resemble Carrot Top in any way, I'm going to be both pissed and relieved. Pissed because my hair is orange. Relieved because it was 2-for-1, and I also bought dark brown dye. We shall see....