Discord! Chaos! Apocalypse! Disturbances in the Force!

July 26 2005
Not really, but I though I might reel in a few more unsuspecting readers with a title like that. *Grins*

I may be moving on to bigger and better things as far as employment is concerned. I may be working in a ......*dramatic pause*.........


You may worship from afar.

I'm quite excited. John Green, a lawyer who attends St. Paul's Episcopal as well, called me today with a list of several Murfreesboro attorneys, and even offered to call ahead and warn them. I was planning to work for observation, but he tells me to sell myself [shut up] as a "runner" of sorts. This will no doubt entail doing as many menial tasks as can be squeezed into one day [I shall once and for all learn to use a coffee maker, for instance] but instead of getting to watch, I get to watch and hopefully get minimum wage, which is reams better than just watching.

But.... They'll have to take me, first.

Let's hope that happens. *Crosses fingers* *You should do the same [especially if you consider yourself anything remotely close to "Rad."]

On an even lighter note, I read the latest Harry Potter today, and am quite blank. I think this is a good thing. Not too certain yet.

And, rising to ever-higher levels of fluffy content, I'm dying my hair tonight. Wish me luck, and hope it doesn't turn orange or any other frightful neon hue. The last at-home dye job didn't take. Understandably miffed, I am only now making a second attempt.

*Vreeeeeeee* Ciao.