
July 22 2006

At my mother's inspiring, a rant about the location of the computer in her bedroom.  *Rant.*  ((No mothers were harmed in the making of this rant.  All rights reserved, printed on 100% recycled paper.  "This bill is legal tender for all debts public and private, all rights and privileges thereto pertaining." <-- That was hers.))

Hmmmm, so I went to my friend Leland's apartment to let the TV guys in (Leland being at work), told to be there at 2:00.  Soooo I'm waitinnnnnn', and I'm waitinnnnnnnnn', sitting there with my little magazine.  Long story short, the movers never came, but my phone is missing, so I couldn't know that.  Two very funny moments:

A.) Sitting on the couch w// my magazine, all of a sudden I hear an arrow whistling through the air.  Proceed to fall of couch and try to climb under coffee table.  Turns out to be his "email received" soundclip, which is the "*TWANG*  Message for you, sir," from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

B.) Now stretched out on couch, relaxing, magazine utterly exhausted of all content.  Door flys open and someone comes in.  Aiiiiiiiii!  ...Just the owner of the house.  Heart rate returns to normal at the speed of dormant fungus.  TV men never showed up, so Leland treated me to coffee ((woo-hoo)), fries, and You, Me, and Dupree.  Fun film, highly enjoyable.  :)

Wooooooooooow.  Try going off coffee for several weeks ((too effin' hot)), then having two cups of potent regular within, mmmmmm, sayyyyyy, six hours.  DAMN!  Phew.  I could run around the block... Or do horrible things to Tori while she's asleep.  It's been tempting lately.  I'm thinking something involving fur clippers...

You ever really randomly had a huge craving for a glass of wine, and maybe a cigarette?  And you don't smoke??  More the glass of wine, than anything.  Something juicy, with berry notes.

Okay, I should probably stop confessing things like that in a public venue.

And nattering on about inconsequential things, like sibling vendettas and the restorative powers of coffee.

By the way, if you have a chocolate craving and consider making frosting out of regular sugar, cocoa powder, butter, and milk... Don't.  I am seriously contemplating sticking a spoon down my throat, or something.  You will regret this decision, feel generally gross, and your mother will have no sympathy ((she'll regret this when I die early, mark it)).  Make, like, a spoonful-worth.  Not a soup-bowl's worth.

I'll regret every single above paragraph in the morning, when I'm sobered of caffeine.

But right now, dammit if it isn't fun!

the brian king kenobi

July 22 2006
wooooooooooooooooow. lol.