
April 22 2006

Time for some overhaul and personal weeding.

We are only temporary.

I've felt frustrated all day long.
Never fear, it will pass, it always does.
Of course, of course.

Sometimes people you see only one month per year or have only known for three years treat you better, with much more consideration, than people you've known twice as long and see much more often.  "Funny ol' world, isn't it?"

I prefer not to discuss any of it, as nothing would be relieved by such explanations and may very well exacerbate my condition.

Suffice to say, the outside world needs to sod off severely.

Hunter Barry

April 23 2006
O....K.... I totally am not confused by what just happened.

the brian king kenobi

April 23 2006
umm . . . i love you? *HUG*