Argentine Tango, Virginia, Basements, and Other Escapades

July 05 2005
So.... I might not be coming home until freakin' Sunday.

My great-great-aunt or great-aunt or.... Okay, a relative on my grandfather's side of the family died several months back. Her estate auction is [I'm guessing] this weekend. My grandmother really wants to go. Grandfather not so much. Mum can't drive her because Caroline has a horse show in Lexington, Kentucky, that weekend as well [because things always work out that way]. She lived in northern Virginia. I have no problem doing this at all because exponentially-great-auntie was a packrat and has diaries, saddlebags, etc. from the Civil War. In fact, my great-grandfather watched as the Shenendoah Valley was torched at the age of three. But.... I don't know. I'm upset, but I'm not really sure why. I think it's because I'm going straight from BFE to a pilgrimage into Virginia [Oooooh, Brian will be so jealous, lol....] without a break to, I don't know, sleep in my own bed, do some laundry, experience traffic, visit home. We should be able to make the drive in one day. We will if I'm driving, at any rate. Just praying Granny doesn't watch the spedometre, as siblings are so fond of doing. ;)

It's an adventure.
I guess I'm doing laundry before leaving. I just want to know how/why we're going to hold all my dorm crap aside from luggage. These new Hondas are big, but honey, they're not THAT big.
This is confusing. I need details beyond the fact that the auction begins at 8:30 AM. That means nothing to me. It could be 8:30 AM next week for all I know.
That's it. Telephone call ensuing.

I've never driven farther from home than Hendersonville.
My grandmother is more directionally challenged than I am.
Maybe since I'm computer-literate her navigation system will take pity on us.

But if we don't get where we're supposed to be, we'll at least have another story in our pockets. :)
Now I'm excited. How much more schizophrenic can this post get?

Hot and sweaty from tangoing. Shut up. It takes a lot out of ya.
I'm going to wash my nasty self.

Revelation: Maybe if we're close enough to Washington, D.C. we could drive there and pass a day in the city!! And visit the National Gallery with the portrait of Ginevra di Benci!!!
I am geniusness.

the brian king kenobi

July 06 2005
so jealous.