
April 10 2006

Mondays are a depressing concept.

*Subliminal Message* Visit the Tennesssee Renaissance Festival every weekend in May, and Memorial Day!  *End Subliminal Message*

*Subliminal P.S.* And watch the chess match, because it's rad.  *End Subliminal P.S.*

I am pounding my head on the keyboard.  School serves absolutely no purpose for me anymore.  Even with projects and novels and crap, I am still utterly bored by the institution.

Okay.  Time to wrench my mind into an optimistic frame.  Wahoo!!  Excitement.


April 10 2006
hah i belive to i will come to see you this weekend:)

the brian king kenobi

April 10 2006
i might come see the festival . . . but only for a kilt. certainly not to see you.