Monday, Monday....

April 03 2006

So today in history Hitler tried to invade the Soviet Union.

You would think that past precedent would advise him NOT TO DO THAT.

I mean, really.  It never works.  Especially when everyone insists on invading in the winter.  Permafrost, hello.

Idiots.  If it didn't work for Napoleon, why should it work for Hitler?

Remember this, Brian.  Don't invade Russia.  Gently coerce them with nuclear threats.  But don't invade them.

So yeah.  Hope everyone had a fantastic spring break!!

{P.S. I now know how to dance the fox-trot.  It's lame.  Somebody just wanted to dance the waltz pattern during a 4-4 song.}

Still no word from George Washington University.  Who wants to get an apartment in Murfreesboro with me??  *Silence*  ....Don't everybody volunteer at once.

Haha, I'm in a great mood.  We almost died last night, it's negative daylight savings time, and I have a ton of assignments, but today is a good day.  :-)


April 03 2006
You see always good and then bad news.... first you tell me to Brian will die in Russia and then.... remaind me to America play with nuclear bomb:))

the brian king kenobi

April 03 2006
nemanja, i hate you.

Sara Shaban

April 03 2006
We should hang out Friday, or Wed if you come to starbucks.


April 03 2006
heh wed i will be on my trip to disney world... and frid i will be in orladno universal studio:)) so maybe some other time:)