
March 17 2006

Proud new owner of six yards of THIS:

Which in turn shall be manufactured by hand into a four-yard skirt, a multi-layered bodice, and whatever else I decide needs to be made out of this spiffness for Anna Vasa of Sweden.  I went from channelling glaciers to channelling the aurora borealis.  Mostly because we couldn't find the desired glacier-y fabric, but hey, this is going to be even cooler.

Yes, the costume blogs have started.  It's nearing the beginning of April, so you'll get to {{have to}} hear all my trials and tribulations of the needle and thread.  Hey, at least I'm not working with {{as many}} cable ties anymore!  The Mystical Armoured Bodice of Bodily Compression is long since finished, and no longer haunts my dreams at night.  *Self-Satisfied Smirk*


March 17 2006
oooo...pretty i should like to see you wear it.


March 18 2006
lol a four-yard skirt this sound fun... i hope i will see you in it:)


March 19 2006
You did really well as a posessed nun. Surprising really. Kinda creepy but very good.