Team Vice, NYSE Police.

March 09 2006

Hahaha, how's this for awesome?  Okay, backstory before I ask people to weigh in on the State Of Awesome.  We're creating a sort of stock portfolio/file/whatchamacallit in economics class.  We have to find three different companies and "invest" in them.  While our team deliberated over this, Buddy bursts forth with: "Sins!  You know, alcohol, cigarettes, all sorts of stuff like that.  They'll never go down!"

So we are now named Team Vice.  We have stock in Phillip Morris, Anheuser-Busch, and Exxon Mobil.  Cigarettes, beer, and oil, respectively.  And Mrs. Watson was helping us look stuff up on them, too.  Muahaha.

Okay, so I just like calling us "Team Vice."  It's fun!
And our stock went up in under two minutes.  Score!

This calls for a viewing of Trading Places.

Ben Moser

March 09 2006
good movie...

Sara Shaban

March 09 2006
im quite amused.


March 10 2006
My team did a HORRIBLE job on that project! We were totally clueless as to what to do but it sounds like y'alll have a good... and amusing... start. The semester I took Mrs. Watson's class, the team that won invested in tazor guns I believe...