Suddenly, Halfway Through the Day....

February 23 2006

Quote of the Day:

Katie: "Zip the hoodie up, then you're emo!"
Caroline Ford: "Do we have any eyeshadow for him?"
Unsuspecting Jesse: "Hey Daniel --"
Daniel: (Whirls around) "LIFE IS PAIN!"

Yep, that's about the productivity level in A.P. European History.
So fun.

Oh!  My God!  We had a French exchange student from Normandy come and speak with our class!  His name's Jeremy, and he's a management major spending this year at MTSU.  It was fantastic, and very interesting.  I learned a lot (moreso after sneaking into second period, where they're not afraid to ask certain things).  There were so many funny moments.  He's a really sweet kid.  I'm never washing my right hand again.  *Smirk*

"Girls do not dance all hip-hop in clubs.  We prefer.... We prefer to see their eyes."

There's nothing that improves one's mood quite like being tackled in the parking lot between classes by a pair of 6' 3" behemoths.

And it's only lunch.  The day is young!