Mmmm, Air.

February 20 2006

So Mum thinks I'm anorexic now.
*Chuckle-cackle hybrid vocalization of amusement*
We discussed this while I ate ice cream.

I'm no longer in the Tasmanian-devil rage from last night.  The sentiment remains roughly the same, but the energy behind it is spent.  Ahhhh, venting.  There's nothing like it.

It's time for some personal renovation.  But how?
I know!  I'll become anorexic.
Nope, not really.
Although I could use some reupholstering, metaphorically speaking.  New countertops, a coat of paint.  Hey, we'll even mop!  This is more a mental and spatial overhaul than anything.

Mmmm, sandwich.  Grilled cheese!  Yes.  I'm the worst anorexic ever.


February 20 2006
hey if you just think to "light chocolate moca frapuccino" have 285 calories.... .... are you redy to become anorexic and never again go in starboucks? :)

the brian king kenobi

February 21 2006
i burned the last grilled cheese i made to a crisp.