I'd Rather be a Could-Be

February 08 2006

So my family left to have our 19-year-old cat put down.  :-(  She's like my Mom's first child, really.  Mom had her before I was even thought of.  (Of course, now Dad's making all sorts of insinuations that I could be next and to watch my back.  *Rolls eyes*)  Life is going to be hairy during her grief.  I really feel no remorse that she's gone.  Not just because she was aloof and hissed at the more affectionate cats, but because she lead a good long life, and it's about time she had some peace and quiet and tuna in a crystal dish.

If I can only survive through the weekend, that would be grand.  Not really the best choice of words, given the events in the above paragraph.


"I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has was once an are."
-- Milton Berle

Introduce yourself in one bold, honest paragraph.
My name is Kelly Sullivan.  I am eighteen and revel in that fact until things get scary enough that I wish I could still scream, "MINOR!"  I am unofficially diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive in regards to hair -- mine and everyone else's.  I present various facades, all of which are true.  It's difficult to explain.  The person I am with you is genuine, but some parts might be conveniently left out because I know they're inappropriate for the location, the company, the occasion, or make you uncomfortable. 

Tell me what people think about you.
Well you would really have to ask them.  I'd be surprised if I were ever a topic of conversation, to tell the truth.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Hahaha.  As if I'd display my insecurities to the world.  I could cop out and say, "I'd be a better person in general," but... I think I would rather be more appreciative of life.  Because if you're more appreciative, that impacts all your actions and thoughts, and by default makes you.... A better person!  Voila!

Have you ever felt at home with someone?
Yes.  My best friend.  Vodka ice cubes!

Describe your appearance.
5' 7" when I stand up really straight... In the morning.  (Ouch.)  I'm trying to grow out my (brown) hair, so it's pretty much always in a ponytail, or else looks really flat and nasty in the way only grown-out layers can.  Blue eyes.  Pasty skin.  That's me.  Invariably found in jeans and flats with a multicoloured sequin-accented scarf.

Biggest revelation to date?
Do what you love, even if it isn't particularly lucrative.  If not, you'll waste years of your life feeling less than satisfied, and always wondering what would have happened if you had followed your dreams.  Besides, when you have a mid-life crisis you'll wind up trying it, anyway, so you might as well cut to the chase.

Biggest issue weighing you down?
This god-awful paper in Mrs. Wolff's class.  Half the six-weeks grade in those pages, people.  Oh, and that minor college detail.

Theme song?
The Imperial March, duh.  But seriously.... That, and Tchaikovsky's entire ballet, "The Sleeping Beauty."  Heck yes.

Give me some final parting advice.
I'd say that can be found under "biggest revelation to date."