
January 30 2006

On this day in 1948, Mohandas Ghandi was assassinated.  We miss you, man.  Hope you reincarnate as a cow, if you haven't reached the Nirvanic end of your rebirths yet.

I'm really liking this whole minor-character thing.  The few rehearsals I have I'm only at for, like, forty-five minutes.  Yessssss.

My audition essay is almost finished.  Hallelujiah, and all that jazz.  Tomorrow it gets faxed.

Heehee.  I know what my role is in the Renaissance faire.  Except I'm not supposed to tell anyone for a few days yet.  *Devilish grin*

"We weird sisters, hand in hand,
Posters of the sea and land
Thus do go about, about.
Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine,
And thrice again to make up nine --
Peace!  The charm's wound up."

the brian king kenobi

January 31 2006
i went to nirvana the other day. it was fun. and gandhi is my hero.