Macbeth, Line One.

January 19 2006

Thanks everyone for the reassurance on the last post.  It means incredible amounts to me.  Fortunately, I have some good news to balance out the bad:

ANDY FORD CALLED!!  I'M A WEIRD SISTER, I'M A WEIRD SISTER, I'M A WEIRD SISTER!!!!!!!!!!  *Jubilation*  This rocks out.  I get to be Earthy-Provocative for three straight months.  Yessssssssss.  I wonder who was placed in the other roles.  Here's hoping that the girls I auditioned with are Sisters, too, because that would just rock out so incredibly hard.

I'm worried, though.  If they put Capricious Asexual Ariel in a leaf-bra and skirt, imagine what Earthy-Provocative Weird Sisters are going to be costumed in.  Strips of fake fur a la Raquel Welch Back In The Day??  It's something best not thought of right now, after dinner.    I can't even escape strips-o'-fur under the cloak of minor-dom anymore!  Crap....  *Starts doing sit-ups furiously*

Round about the cauldron go,
In the poison entrail throw:
Toad that under the cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one.
Sweltered venom, sleeping got,
Boil thou first in the charmed pot!

Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble!

Sara Shaban

January 19 2006
congratulations kid