
January 11 2006

So I finally finished those blasted essays and submitted them to GWU.  I should be excited, but my stomach has instead turned leaden, and I'm basically just waiting for a letter of denial that I'm sure must come.  (Though if they do, I am STILL applying for semester transfer if relegated to MTSU.  Try to get rid of me so easily, will you?  Ah-haaaa, but look!  I can be annoying until you finally break and let me in!  Take that, O Foul Admissions Office!)

I've asked people to pray for dinky little roles in community theatre, for ailing family members, and I beseech you again to whisper a small appeal to your higher deity of choice that this works out.

So three people in European History got into a fight over a novel titled I, Lucifer.  Katy and I pretty well took out the owner of said book (sorry, Daniel), and as for the two of us.... Well.... Let's just say she has the book now.  *Shifty Eyes*  But this will change tomorrow, oh yes, this will change tomorrow.

"Wait, but that's my book!!"


January 11 2006

Sara Shaban

January 12 2006
hey, I was wondering if you were going to be auditioning for Macbeth in nashville in april. My english teacher showed me a flyer for it this morning and I thought of you. Just wondering...