Well, Holy Highwaters, Batman!

December 30 2005

Phusebox is back!  It was really weird while the lovely blogging site was down, though.  Normally I have to make the rounds between my four internet homes (yes, four -- some people only have LiveJournal or MySpace), but then I would realise.... No, wait, that one's gone.  Temporarily.  Maybe it's what parents feel like when their offspring leave for college.

Speaking of college.... I finished my first essay.  I'm so proud.  Nine words below the maximum limit.  Go me.  Now I just have to correct my truly heinous grammatical errors.

Things are going to be intense until March 1.  Why, you might ask?  Macbeth auditions.  The play I'm already in.  SAT II in French and Literature the day before faire auditions.  Faire rehearsals.  Costume creation for faire.  Gold Award completion.  Hopefully auditions for NYU (just for fun).  And I know there's like one or two things I'm forgetting.  Eating isn't one of them.  Neither is sleep.  Hmmmm.
As I said -- holy highwaters, Batman.

So, um, a belated Joyeux Noël and all that jazz.
Happy New Year.
Gleeful Hannukah.


December 30 2005
I hope breathing is included in your list of things to do, and you might want to highly consider the sleeping and eating...

Sara Shaban

December 30 2005
auditions for NYU...*stares in awe*