Oh eBay, We Love You So....

November 30 2005

Things that annoy me:
-- Mutilation of Christmas carols.
-- Especially mutilations of Christmas carols that involve the singer flaunting how much vibrata they can put in their pipes.
-- Those who are firmly convinced that the higher they sing, the better.  Just because you can break glass at a whim does not mean you should necessarily try.  I like my eardrums unpierced, thank you and good night.

On a happier, non-disgruntled note.... I found something awesome!!  Or at least something that stole my wallet.  Ahem.  It was completely random, I swear.

Proud owner of:


It makes me happy.  Pink and shiny, how could it not??  XD


December 01 2005
ur awsome!!!i thought i was the last sane person on the earth!!!stupid republicans!

Ben Moser

December 01 2005
so stereotypical...