A Paragraph on Destiny.

November 04 2005

"Nothing gives a fearful man more courage than another's fear."
~ Umberto Eco

You ever feel like you were plopped down on Earth for a tediously specific reason?  That you're really supposed to be doing Something, but have no idea what that might be or where to begin?  Like the quote (yeah, another) that one should "live the life you were born to."  And you're kind of paranoid about messing your destiny up, even if it IS destiny and will happen regardless.  (Some ways are just less painful than others.  Take Oedipus, for example.  Boy, did HE screw up his 'Destine Path.')  And then feel really presumptious to even suppose that your purpose is any grander than another person's?  But still feel caught between your passions and what you feel pulled to do, yet not knowing which is which or even what?

And then type a really long-winded MySpace Blog paragraph about it?

I thought so.  That makes two of us, at any rate.

(Four days.  Shh, it's a secret. )


November 05 2005
hah, i guess so. it's actually a song by barlow girl called "Suddenly"