Random Bits and Pieces

October 31 2005

So this Phusebox has been a little neglected lately.... Mea culpa, mea culpa.  Or as the French would say (I think -- they never taught us manners in that language class.  Hmmmmmmmm.  Maybe that's why American's are despised overseas.  The news at 9:00!) -- Ma faute, ma faute.

I'd write about my dazzling life, only.... My life isn't very dazzling.
-- School.
-- School.  (Exams tomorrow and Wednesday!  Fun!  Not.)
-- Work.
-- Unwritten college applications
-- Confusion
-- A costume that needs to be made by January.  A costume that involves an outer layer of 6 yards of fabric.  *Slam*  For an event that I don't even technically have permission to go on yet.

That "burgeoning social life" as Mother once referred to it, has suddenly vaporised.  I think a certain workforce is largely to blame.

OH!!  Guess who is a legal, voting, lottery-ticket-buying member of 'adult society' in all of SEVEN days??!  (According to our ever-enlightened government, one is suddenly granted Advanced Reasoning Capacity and Intelligence upon reaching this age.  I'm still waiting for some people to get their share.)  Yes, that's right.  Me.  Moi.  Yours truly.  The object of your idolatry -- errrrrrrr, amiability..... Anywho.  I'm just a little excited.  Just a little.  *Grins*  And I turn eighteen ON election day, no less.  Naturally, there are no elections.  *Sniffle*

"Git 'er done!" -- Mother.
"I'm revoking your country license for life." -- Me.

*Later*  "Git 'er done!" -- Mother.  *Weeps*

For the record, I think every one of you is an amazing human being who deserve to know a person much better than myself.  *Hugs!*

the brian king kenobi

November 01 2005
happy november! the happiest season of all . . .


November 01 2005
Kelly is turning 18... scary... and once again I wonder why Brian is online... hmm... anyhow, what colleges are you applying (or not applying... lol...) to?