What. Time. Is. It?!

October 30 2005


What time is it, really???!!!

Daylight savings time has never been so perplexing.  "I'm awake.  It's 7:00 in the morning.  I should not be up for at least three more hours.  So.... Why the crap am I not tired and grouchy??!"  Tired and grouchy, yes.  Morning is by far my worst time of day.  The coffee helps matters, though.  I'm not addicted.  Just don't remove the I.V.

The clocks say one thing.  WKRN says another.  I am sooooo buying an atomic clock.

YESSSSSSSSSSS.  I have found an "official U.S. time" website.
-- Server error??!


I should have expected as much.  *Snirkle*

YESSSSSSSSSSS.  Thank you, U.S. Naval Observatory.

You have no idea how much this was bugging me.

I'm out.

Nathan Moore

October 30 2005
i relate to your frustration...