Exhibit 1: Here We See the Fomention of a Headache.

October 25 2005

You ever tried to be really open-minded about close-minded issues, because you've been close-minded in your world of open-minded issues??

And if the above even made sense to you (heck, I'm having trouble understanding it).... Isn't it all relative anyway????

Woohoo, Kelly needs to stop thinking so much.
That, or she needs to start thinking more.

Relativity, relativity.... Gahh.

That summer philosophy class isn't helping one bit, either.  In fact, it stirs up some rather unwanted confusion.  "What if we're BOTH??"  "We could just be brains in vats!"  "It's like the Matrix!"  "But Kant would still disagree with you."  "But it's the lesser of two evils!"  "But Kant would still disagree with you!"  "Gahhhh!!"  ((Personally, I think Kant is a moron, if I'm remembering philosophers correctly.  What a crock that some people are remembered eternally because they sat around and thought.  We should all be so lucky.))

/.Edit./  Yeah, okay, so I love my friends dearly.  Yup, each and every one in millions of intangible ways.  So when someone starts spreading rumours about them, you can bet that I'm going to be Furious.  Livid.  Rabid.  Like Lady Macbeth on crack and heroin all at once.  So to whomever is doing this, watch out.  I'm looking for you.  And I can guarantee you won't see me first.  /.End edit./