
October 21 2005

So why, pray tell, do a bunch of thick-headed high school freshmen think they can catcall me?  How would they feel if a herd of skeezy guys did that to their little sisters, or their moms??  What makes them think that girls actually enjoy or respond to it???  I mean really, most people of the female persuasion think it's vile, offensive, and that the guys who do it are mentally-challenged pictures of desperation.  And to top it all off....

If there's one thing I despise, it's being relegated to a traditional role.
Especially if it's as though there were no question about it.
It makes me angry, caustic, and not very fun to be around.
Merde.  I guess today was female degredation day, or something.

Now all those unpleasantries are out of my system.... ^_^

Costume shindig tonight.  Most exciting.  Participation in a faire as one certain non-human creature (i.e. Elf) makes preparations very easy.  I only have one pointed ear, though, so it looks like I'm going as the Van Gogh Elf.  Fun, eh?  "Sauron!  Frodo!  Angst!  *Slice*"  Heh.

::EDIT:: Just when I think all is for naught.... :-)  ::/EDIT::


October 22 2005
It is because they are freshman boys and they have no brain. Their brain is non-existent that they probably would not care if the same thing happened to their sisters because they are not mature enough to care. Now, before a freshman boy reads this and is offended that is not the case with ALL, just SOME. Okay now I have ranted with you, and it didn't even happen to me... ha ha...

Anna Miller

October 22 2005
It doesn't stop with freshmen boys. I've had college guys and grown men catcall me. It's most unappreciated.