It was great!

October 06 2005
For Paul's birthday we all went out to Ben's grandparents farm and hid in a barn and when he got there we all jumped out and yelled SURPRISE!!!!!!!! He was completely surprised! We had a bon fire and hay ride and ohh man it was one of the most beautiful nights ever. The stars were probably the prettiest Ive ever seen them and I saw my first shooting star! Shhh I cant tell you what I wished though or it wont come true...:o) But overall I think Paul had a great birthday!! I sure do hope so!! Have a great day!


haha Mr. Birthday adorable

photo from GodsGirl615

Mary Lauren

October 07 2005
oh man i love that picture of you. hah dreaming about PAUL. lol i am so glad you guys had fun at his party. YAY FOR BIRTHDAYS!...and pretty girls like andrea .