My bad day had a nice ending!

September 29 2005
I found out a new fact about myself tonight...When I have a bad day I love to sing.

I got home and asked myself "Why be in a bad mood?" I HAVE AN AMAZING need to be down.

Sorry for being such a yucky person today. haha I dont need to do that!


"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."- Proverbs 17:22

Look at this cute picture! I love it

photo from GodsGirl615


September 30 2005
i love that picture!!!

Mary Lauren

September 30 2005
YAY FOR BEST FRIENDS! hah just thought i would say that.

Big Will

October 01 2005
Hey chick. This is the big dude on the football team that sat wit u at Sante Fae...So yuea....jsut seein wats up

Big Will

October 01 2005
Hey chick. This is the big dude on the football team that sat wit u at Sante Fae...So yuea....jsut seein wats up