God is AMAZING! :o)

October 24 2005

I had a great day on Sunday...God just never stops revealing himself to me. Every day is like a new adventure because God shows me something new. Mickey talked about how we don't just stop and worship God like we should. We get so caught up in so many things that we don't delight ourselves in His presence and in His love. We shouldn't be so wrapped up in our lives that we shove God out...He's the reason we are still here. He deserves all the praise and all of our love. Give it all to Him!

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."- Psalm 37:4

Have a great week you guys!! Make Jesus your passion!!


Mary Lauren

October 28 2005


November 01 2005
gah andrea u already have a kid i thought u was a good girl lol jp i know ur awsome lol luv ya peace