Summer Reading... haha whatta joke.

August 01 2005
so i have Raisin in the Sun and Their Eyes Were Watching God.. but what other book are we supposed to read?

And what do we read for AP US?

not like im gonna do any of it.. but hey at least i'll know what i should be reading..

life is good.
finally went to cc practice..
it wasn't too bad.
my back is killing me.

kelseys home!


August 01 2005
what? we have cc practice? maybe i... won't do that. the third is great gatsby though.

Virginia Moss

August 01 2005
the great gatsby. arrrh. and for U.S. we're reading "A People's History of the United States" -Howard Zimm. I'm only doing history. i'll copy ben's english stuff. haha.

Lauren Beasley

August 01 2005
Great Gatsby.. eek read it last year.. eeer it sucked major

♥somewhere in the memories.♥

August 02 2005
uhm. i might not be able to run cross country this year. i have uh. mono. and supposedly it takes a couple of months to full recover. so my parents think it would be a better idea for me to not run. but who knows. ♥

Christopher Horne

August 03 2005
Out of the 3 you have to read, only The Great Gatsby was somewhat enjoyable. The other two=horrible headache.

kelsey shearron

August 03 2005
heck yea im home!..i love love you! THE great gatsby is the other book...i think every person that left you a comment already said that...oh well.

♥somewhere in the memories.♥

August 04 2005
errr. i am hoping maybe my doctor will quit being retarded and tell me that i can run. but if i can. it won't be much. like. i won't be able to complete a whole practice with you guys and stuff. but. i really wanna run. this is gonna kill me. not being able to. blah. well. if i can't. i'll still come out and support you guys. maybe i can be a time keeper? ♥

Trey Jensen

August 04 2005
you're taking US AP? i took that last year and it was by far the greatest class ive ever taken. you'll be glad you did it.