How much puck would a fud puck puck if a fud puck could puck fud? 7.

June 16 2005

photo from Ed_The_Angry_Jew

mmmm harvard. i went there last summer, but i will never attend that school. ever.

one thing that has always bothered me is on that old tootsie pop commercial, that stupid owl eats the tootsie pop after three licks. he like "it takes 3 licks". yeah, it takes three licks if you want to chip a tooth.

its over,
the end.

Stephanie Levine

June 16 2005
it's too beautiful. I'll never be able to go there. i hated that commercial too. I actually tried to count once...never again...


June 16 2005
It is over. Nothing matters. Or it seems. But I have a feeling that's not what you're talking about.

Sarah Vermillion

June 16 2005
I agree. Those commercials give kids baaaad ideas. It's a conspiracy of dentists and candy companies working together... :p

Sarah Vermillion

June 16 2005
A transporter in a hospital is just someone who gets paid to take patients from room to room or from the ER to a room or from a room to go home, etc. And it DOES sound cool. I'd get to get paid for walking a lot.