Only the end of the red, will show you my blueside...

July 06 2005

yeah, i need that cd. good good music on it.

fantastic four this saturday. score, people need to have birthdays more often. im tellin you.

pretty sure my mom will pay me $25 a week to clean the house. score, thats like the easiest thing for me. you just drown the whole room in cleaner and vacuum. muahahaha

so i have $60, i only need like $9,940 til i can buy a car! i am totally almost there.

anyway, only like $4,940 for a stick shift. i'm good to go.

i would say by freshman year of college, like the end of freshman year college, i should be able to get it.

well im out playas
stay cool



July 06 2005
ooo I have that CD!!!