Wow, you're an idiot.

July 03 2005
yes, you.

in other news...i have cleaned up the spontaneous combustion that evidently occured a few good months ago in the middle of my bedroom. i wouldnt call it "spotless" because i have a lot of meaningless junk i cant seem to get rid of (i.e. a snow globe ive had for the majority of my life, birthday cards from friends when i was in 1st grade, and five hundred random objects that say my name on them). but at least it doesnt look like some child with rabies came through and destroyed my room.

and i can actually walk around it now. i know, i know, no need for applause.

and just so everyone knows, a poster fell off my wall at 1 last night and scared the life out of me.
just thought you needed to know that.

saraaaaaaaaaaaaa a a a aaa a aa
ok im done.

Tyler H.

July 03 2005
if it scared the life out of you, doesnt that mean you are dead?......just checkin

Sarah Vermillion

July 03 2005
Me? An idiot? I knew it!


July 03 2005
I'm not an idiot... am I? *cries*

Stephanie Levine

July 03 2005
a child with rabies...that's cool.