Something glorius is about to happen....

October 22 2005
--bloc party--

i really <3 that song.

but yes, tonight was fun. "the myth of the woods". getting beat up by a he/she. and a ten year old saying blood tasted like cancer.

i was thinking on my way home how in elementary school i thought grace hated me and visa versa. so we never talked in middle school, and did a little bit in 9th grade. and now, i love her  5865968098....that much times a trillion. and last year i never said 3 words to mady, and now she hugs me and wont let go until i hug her back. i hang out with courtney and carlton a LOT more. and i see brittany more than my own family.

ahhh....i LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE these people. i really couldn't ask for better friends.

you know, on....thursday grace gave me this note. and, it kind of reminded me of the friend i wish/hope/want to be. just this amazing person who makes people feel better. i mean honestly, i can say, no one has ever said anything nice like that to me. even if it wasnt some huge monumental thing, it was still the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. but shes just frickin awesome like that.

i had a level 2 meltdown today, but thats alright because it's all better and i didnt get into too much trouble.

best quote of all time (which i still cant get over):
"aida burrito." ~lil med. (mr medford)

stay cool kids,

Courtney Caldwell

October 23 2005
The myth of the woods is the BEST horror film ever.It is also completely artsy. Hehe, I love Sara Read


October 23 2005
That is true, we could be sisters! Except if I was you, I probably wouldn't want to be my sister lol. "Yeah I heard they made a sequal of Aida in Mexico, they called it Aida Burrito" Man that almost beat "Antonio" I love 5th period, I'm glad you talked me into taking it, thank you.