Return of the King

June 24 2006
Alas, long was my absence.  Much has happened, much has been gained.  What lured me away from my faithful blogging?  What distraction came between me and my public?  Many a thing.

Daddy went on vacation, and I got to spend a week with Mommy, Grandmama, and Grandpa.  I had a good time, and received the appropriate level of attention and snuggles.  It was fun to see them, and we all had a lot of fun.

When Daddy returned, we went home.  Daddy started work, and Mommy and I got to spend a lot of time together.  Daddy has to go to work before I wake up in the morning, but he usually gets home about 5:00.  I miss him during the day, but Mommy takes very good care of me.  We play a lot, and I get to talk to Daddy when he calls Mommy.

Mommy has also started taking me to "Mother's Day Out" at church.  I go once a week, and I LOVE IT!  There are a lot of other kids to play with.  I get lots of attention, too, because I smile all the time.  Mommy says something about shopping and housework, but I just care about the cool toys and the nice people.  This fall, I'll get to go twice a week because Mommy will be taking classes.  I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Once again, Mommy and Daddy have been keeping secrets.  This whole time, I thought I had to hold on to something when I stand up.  Come to find out, it's just a rumor.  I can let go of everything and stand just fine.  I think it's part of a secret conspiracy to keep me small forever.  Oh parents, agents of repression, dark are your hearts.  Your pro-crawl beliefs have no place here.  I have conquered our home.  Next I shall conquer gravity.

I'm cutting tooth number 5.  Teeth are fun, because when I bite with them, people make more noise.  Now they think twice before attempting carpet fuzz extraction.

Right now I'm visiting Grandmama and Grandpa again.  It's a lot of fun here.  I also just got a bunch of new clothes, because there was a rack with a bunch of clothes for 50 and 80 cents.  I got some cool stuff.

I suppose I'm off again.  I will try to keep you all entertained.  Perhaps I will steal Daddy's nametag again and hide it in my secret hiding place.  I'm quite sure Mommy and Daddy haven't found it yet.  They looked for the nametag for hours last time.  Perhaps I'll steal Daddy's wallet and keys next time.  That way, he'll have to stay home and play with me.

Bill Morgan

June 25 2006
Go for the keys, its a guaranteed "Show stopper". Yep, you can never trust mommy/ daddy ... they are sure to hold you back and treat you like you were still 2 months old ... but you WILL conquer all !!