As free as the wind blows

April 26 2006
Mommy and Daddy put me in these funny pants today.  Luckily, I have learned how to remove them.  Imagine their surprise when they went to retrieve me from my sleeptuary to find me pantless.  I have also spent much of the day removing and chewing on my hat, which Mommy and Daddy demand I wear when it is cold and wet or warm and sunny outside.  But my iron will prevailed, and the hat spent most of the day in the diaper bag.

Today, I experienced failure.  Victory was within my 8" reach, within my very hand, but I failed.  I had devised a clever - nay, ingenious plan to get my first taste of adult candy.  Phase I went well.  The box of easter candy hitting the floor, providing adequate candy dispersion.  Phase II was very well executed.  I managed to tuck one jelly bean under my leg while hurriedly shoving another into my mouth.  As expected, Daddy saw the one I was eating, and quickly removed it.  That is when I made my fatal mistake.  Had I waited just 5 more seconds, Daddy would have looked away, and I could have feasted on the second bean.  But no.  I was overtaken with passion, my desire burning as a fever.  When I could resist no longer, I extracted the second bean and bit violently, its sweet flavor dancing across my tongue.  But it was short lived.  Before I could even determine the flavor (sweet potato or green bean?), Daddy saw my stolen sweet, and took it.  Alas.  It was truly great.  I still mourn, but 'tis better to have tasted and lost.

Josh Morgan

April 26 2006
HA! Thwarted, my young son. Someday you shall outsmart your old man, but that day is not today.


April 27 2006
Daniel, you now have the most interesting blog on phusebox. Congratulations on pushing your dad to third place.

Bill Morgan

April 27 2006
Dad in third? Surely you jest. I'm having a hard time finding his site through all the other activity ... as the Morgans Unite group grows. DANIEL, keep up the good work ... the law of probabilities are working in your favor ... you WILL enjoy success. Remember, mommy and daddy have to go to sleep sometime ...

Rebekah Lewis

April 27 2006
I think that you will be smarter than your old man very shortly... unless your parents don't blink. Then you're stuck bud.

Randy Lewis

April 27 2006
Ode to jelly bean: Parting is such sweet sorrow. Yes, 'tis better to have tasted and lost, than to never have tasted at all. You think jelly beans are good. Just wait until the M&M's start dropping. Beware, they WILL melt in your hands, thus leaving evidence.