Civil War

July 03 2005
So, in the Dred Scott case all black people were ruled to be property. When the Emancipation Proclamation was made, it said all the slaves in the south were to be freed. This, as Graham pointed out, gave the North something to fight for, the freedom of the southern slaves. However, the Dred Scott case also made the Missouri Compromise illegal, making all black people in the North suddenly slaves. Lincoln only freed the southern states' slaves. So, the Yankees were trying to free all the slaves in the south so that they would come up north where it is legal to be a slave, and therefore the Northerners would have all the slaves. So, the North's motivation for fighting in the Civil War was not to end slavery, it was to continue it in the north alone. Those evil people.


July 03 2005

the brian king kenobi

July 03 2005
not QUITE sure that works . . . but yes, they are all evil people.

Jason Thacker

July 03 2005
The emancipation proclaimation did not free any slaves at all, because by that time the south has formed it own country, CSA....but the EP did give the North something to fight for, because that was the intention of Lincoln, at least in my opinion.

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 03 2005
We were talking about something kind of like this in Sunday School this morning.