Photo From matt

June 24 2005

photo from matt

Krista Anderson

June 24 2005
You is insane. :P


June 24 2005
That's funny.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 24 2005
Good times! :) Sounds like fun even if the kill shot bit sucks

the brian king kenobi

June 24 2005
war only ended slavery here, most of the rest of the world managed to do it peacefully. golly, lincoln's a hero. i'll give you fascism and nazism, even though there are still fascists and nazis in the world. communism isn't over . . . i'm pretty sure we lost vietnam. and technically it's not war but the peace treaty afterwards that solves things. and you can make treaties without wars. but i guess war does keep the world population down, so it's ok.


June 25 2005
hahaha, good stuff. . .