
November 03 2005

HEy yall!!! well my life right now is very well CRAP!!!! I am having some Duffy moments as my english teacher- Mrs.Huges- calls my stress panics. Everyday i stress out and going into a breakdown. It suxs. School is very stressful on me and so is dance.

On them plus side i have shared my faith with two people!!! last week i shared bout the rapture. and one was intresed and one turned away. But the one that turned away ended up getting saved that working on the other still!

MY prayer for myself is to be less stressed out and give it over to God. but i think i do and still im stressed out and have my Duffy moments! Please pray for me for that. and i have another stressful situation that i dont want the world to kno so just pray on that too! well i hope yall have a great day at school tommrrow and a great weekand! Fall Retreat '05!!!!!

this is an add on i got from carlas page:

A to Z

A - Age of your first kiss: 14
B - Band you are listening to right now: raschal Flatts

C - Crush: Everyone knows who..Ben
D - Drink you drank last: water
E - Easiest person to talk to: Ami.or rachel or carla or Mere
F - Favorite ice cream: mmm....birthday cake :)
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Duh the worms!!
H - Height: 5'1" and 3/4
I - Imaginary friend as a kid: i don't think i had one...
J - Junk food: anything? i live for junkfood!
K- Kindergarten teacher's name: Mrs.Weaver!
L - Longest car/bus ride: either NYC

M - Mom's name: KAthryn
N- Nickname:BIG O!!!!! O*Liv and olive
O - One wish:  to dance pro!
P - Phobia: stinging insects!
Q - Quote: If you think your perfect try walking on water

R - Reason to smile: God is in my life
S - Some Random Fact:  You cant lick your elbow!
T - Talk about: Everything
U- Unknown fact about me: do i have one?

V - Vegetable: POTATOES!

W - Worst Habit:thanks to carla i have a satin obession! 

X - X-rays you've had: all bout he ankle

Y- Years you have been in church: foreva

Z - Zodiac sign: Aries

Much love

~* BIg O *~

katie boles

November 04 2005
whats up girl?! just thought id say hey and that i love ya!! hope u have a great weekend!! much love!! ~*katie*~

Carla Simpson

November 04 2005
haha i got you obsessed with satin! woohoo! ;) so, i am definately having olivia withdrawals....we should get together sometime this weekend!!

katie boles

November 18 2005
hey girl!! hope u had a wonderful day today!! but anyways heres my # 585-8247 just call me anytime this weekend and i guess all us could meet up or whatever yall want to do!! i love u!!

ami driver

November 26 2005
hey hey-- how was kentucky w/out me?? =) love you.. oh-- and i copied this little a-z thing.. =)