69 random questions

May 11 2006

1) Do you have a penis?
yes, I believe I do

2) Do you pray?

3) Are you in love?

4) Ever wish on stars?

5) Do you believe in karma?

6) What's your zodiac sign?

7) Have you ever almost died?
lol, yes

8) Ever broken any bones?
I don't think so

9) Do you cry during sad movies?

10) Do you like to dance?
um...I can monkey dance...

11) Ever laid under the stars?

12) Ever sat on a rooftop?

13) Is there a such thing as a soul mate?
I think so

14) Could you live without the television?

15) Could you live without music?
def not

16) Do you have any self inflicted scars?

17) What do you dislike the most about life?
I can't control it

18) Have you ever been to jail?

19) Ever had a job for less than a day?

20) Ever been fired on your first day?

21) Ever been fired because of your attitude?

22) Do you get jealous of other people?
not really

23) Would you rather love someone or be loved?
be loved

24) What's under your bed right now?
um...bags, shelves...and picture frames

25) Ever done anything illegal?
yes, but nothing major

26) Have you ever been dumped?

27) Ever dumped somebody?

28) How cool are you?
um...I sit on my butt all the time, if that's cool then I guess I'm quite cool

29) Do you support abortion?

30)Do you believe in God?

31) Did you graduate high school?
I will on may 20th

32) Do you wear the same clothes two days in a row?
pants sometimes

33) Have you ever driven someone crazy?
I'm sure I have

35) Ever done the Macarena?
omg, it's so fun...

36) Do you act your age?
I'm told that I act 30

37) Is it okay to disrespect your parents?
not unless they're crazy

38) Do you flush the toilet when you're done?

39) How long do you stay in the shower?
10 minutes?

40) What kind of soap do you use?
irish spring, yum

41) Are mullets cool?
ew, nast

42) Spiderman, Batman, or Superman?
Spiderman, he's hot

43) Do you like your middle name?
yeah, I suppose I do

44) Has anyone ever cheated on you?

46) What's your favorite animal?
I like the moose

47) Favorite flower?

48) Have you ever shaved your head?

49) Do you think marijuana should be legal for medicinal use?
sure, I really can't say

50) Do you think it is okay to drink and drive?

51) If you won $1 million dollars, what would you buy first?
hm...pro'lly a house...and a new horn, lol

52) Do you fear terrorism?
not really

54) What's your favorite candle scent?
hm...something orange

55) Do you use profanity?
only when I drive...and when I practice

56) Who's the last person you talked to on AIM?
on AIM? I don't really use AIM anymore...Jeffery I guess

57) What's something you're ashamed of?
my lack of intellegence

58) What woke you up last night?
the demon that took over my sister and my cell phone

59) What did you dream about last night?
a demon that possessed my sister and sent me random text messages. it also sent me a voicemail of him playing my piano. hey, the demon isn't that bad...

60) Ever been to the zoo?

61) How many beers did you have today?
I don't drink, so none

62) What's the last movie watched?
hm...the princess bride @ Tyler's house...a while ago

63) Are you usually late or on time?

64) What's a cartoon you watch often?
family guy

65) Do you have any imaginary friends?

66) Are you waiting on something right now?
I don't think so...

67) Who's pretty?
hm...I have a few

68) Who's ugly?
ron jeremy, lol

69) Are you worried about something?


May 12 2006
Hmm. A piano playing demon. What a dream. Danny