
May 09 2006

Ok, so I'm at home and not at school, very bored. I think I think I'll just type until I run out of things to say.

SO I went to get my eyes checked today. Apparently it is very common for people with the same vision that I have (he didn't tell me what it's called) to get worsen over time. He said that I didn't notice any change today, but next time there would probably be some. This kinda worries me, but not to much. I asked my mom what she thought about lasik eye surgery and she didn't seem to mind if I ever wanted to get it done. It would make things easier not having to have glasses/contacts all the time. We ordered new glasses for me, yay.

I guess I should mention why I'm not in school. So I had the eye appointment at 8. Sure, I could have gone to school, but I would just be leaving at 1 anyway, and I would have missed the only class that I actually did stuff in, so I figured I'd stay home.

Anyway, on my way home from the doctor's, there was the HUGE wreck where I usually turn into my neighborhood. Like, the fire dept, ambulances, and 10 police cars were all over the place. I got a peek at two of the cars involved...yeah, it was really bad.

Right now I'm watching a documentary. I love them. Movies get boring sometimes because they all have the same story lines it seems like. I dunno, I like documentaries. This one is on the ice-man. It just started, so that's all I know so far. I think it'd be cool to get a video camera and make an independent film about something. I remember one that I watched on PBS late at night one time, it was sad. It was an animation about a very big guy, and a very little guy that lived together and what not. Well, one day the big guy got sick and died and the little one was all sad. One night while the little one was sleeping, the big one came back (his spirit anyway) and looked into the window. He came in and held the little one. I was like "aww." So the little one woke up because he felt the big one there and it was sad again. He went outside and made snow angels and just looked up at the sky (it was what they both did together when it snowed outside). It seemed like it was made for little kids, the narrorator made it sound like a little kid story, but it was still really good.

I'm leaving around 1 to go see Tyler, yay.

Ok, well I'm going to go watch this ice-man thing some more.