No sleeping for me...

April 25 2006

I thought I'd blog about what's been going on since my last blog on Friday.

Well, Saturday was NAI, it was good. I played sudoku on the way to Chatanooga because I'm addicted. We had practied before we left and it was all dandy, so I wasn't worried. We got there and did our warm-up and did our concert. It went very well in my opinion, not many mistakes from everyone, which is very exciting. We didn't win, but we did get superior ratings and superior horn and euphonium sections, woot! That was all good. Golden Carcus (as Mr. Rhody refered to it) was amazing! I ate like 6 plates of various vegitable items, for I was in that kind of mood. Pie is good. On the ride home I was on the floor most of the time just talking to people. It was fun. We got home around 11.

Sunday I went to church and went to work, not much happening there. Yesturday was...different. I spent $30 at the music stop repairing my horn, it got in an accident. It's all taken care of now. My parents were at my sister's ball game till like 8, so I made pizza's. Tyler was supposed to get home from his band trip at that time, so I stayed for him till around 9:30. I watched cartoons and was hoping he'd text me or something when he got home, but oh well.

Today I left school around 1:20 to go get my sister and bring her home. Then I headed to Warren County to do band rehearsal, but they were on tour all day so we didn't have it- I didn't mind at all. Went to Tyler's house and layed around. We had a very intense game of jinga. That is an evil, stressful game. We also played various card games. Word of caution, don't touch his computer! He will beat you up. Lol, it was all fun. We had hand-to-hand combat for like 15 minutes, it was crazy. Of course, the sister was there cheering us on, haha. So I left around 9 and stopped to get food in Woodburry...omg, that is the most red-neck town ever. Anywho, devine intervention made my visit w/ him possible today. I didn't have any money for gas and I told him around 8 that I wouldn't be able to make it, sad. Luckily, my mom called me at school saying that I needed to come get my sister and that she would give me some money for gas and food tonight. I was soo excited. Tyler says I'm good at surprises, yay. He got the this really pretty ring from the beach. I finally have something to replace my other one, which is now deformed from being around my finger for 5 or 6 years. He got me a bracelet also.

So as of now, I'm watching Saved by the bell because cartoon network felt the need to put it on TV again, gross.

So, is she your girlfriend?- Mr. Nolan

Stacy Freeman

April 27 2006
yeah... i defiantly saw you in the paper. ha.