Audition is done!

February 04 2006

Yay! The audition went really well. Dan Phillips (horn teacher) seemed pleased. I'm happy with it. So I started out the day listen to Dan warm up in his room while looking through the quintet music. They are playing some film music with clips up on a screen, it should be really cool. I got to listen to the quintet rehearse for a little while. They were playing West Side Story when I went up for my piano placement test. I random got into class piano 2 even though I told her I didn't remember anything, lol. I passed the theory test and got into advanced theory 1, woot woot. Then I did the audition. Afterward I went back to the hotel room from which we went to the bookstore to buy a UM tee-shirt.

We left Memphis from where I went to meet Abby in Jackson at the Olive Garden. We had lots of food, and a slice of cake.


After that we went to look for me some clothes, Abby thinks I have an odd sort of style because I kept looking at shirts/sweaters with funny patterns. Lol. We also went to Kohl's and goofed off. Here is Abby's explanation, she does it well:

"Full and ready to go, we drove over to Old Navy because Kyle needed to get a black sweater. No success, but we did manage to get some funny looks while taking stupid pictures with hats on. We continued our pursuit for a black sweater at Kohl's. You know, if they have something nifty on a mannequin, the clothes on the mannequin should be nearby. They weren't, so we migrated to the clearance section. We managed to find something among things that were on the clearance rack for a reason. Kyle noticed that the racks were labeled by size, and blurted out, "Look! Two small racks!!!" while a couple women walked by. ahahahahaha.

We made our way back to bedding and found fun pillows. He took a retarded picture of me with a pillow of bunnies in the carrotmobile. Then we found the pez-shaped pillows. PEZ!!!!  and a strange-looking elephant. and one that looked like a bottlecaps wrapper. Then we went to kitchenware (why, I don't know) and browsed around. Somewhere in all this we wound up in the boxer section. The whole time we were at the restaurant we kept trying to get him to smile with his teeth showing....... I finally did, when we were wandering aimlessly and he saw this metallic pink boxers that were reminiscent of princess glitter. They were highly amusing. Not that pink metallic boxers captured forever in a photo are embarrassing or anything..........mwahahaha. Hey, if me and the carrotmobile pillow got immortalized, so were Kyle and the pink boxers."



Abby and her car, lol.

Me and funny pillows, hehe.

The end!!!