
November 15 2005

Horn ensemble and master class tomorrow! I'm excited!!

We didn't do anything at all during first period, and it was rather boring. We learned about intervales during music theory, and I feel that the class is moving much slower than everyone (except Lindsey Todd) wants it to, which inhales vigorously. In third period I didn't take notes, I just kinda read MacBeth because I'm really wanting to hurry up and read that book in English, even though we won't for a while, but she had us buy the books anyway. I kinda sucked in band today, I just wasn't in the mood. I copied parts during 5th again, and left with the early day ppl to drop them off at Central. I just haven't felt like doing anything today.

I'm waiting for someone to call me and let me know how things are...


November 15 2005
heh. music theory is fun. and lindsey todd is stupid. and i think i will be able to stay after horn ensemble tomorrow for that thing. so... yeah.


November 15 2005
Ha. Yes. Lindsay Todd's slowing down of the class inhales vigorously.