Dear Lord

September 26 2005
You are truely so amazing to love us all no matter what and to always help us keep our faith alive for you.Lord alot of times I just feel so alone and cold in the dark and just dont know what to do.Does everything truely happen for reason?Im so lost and confused feeling. Sometime's Lord I just feel like there's no hope for me at all.Just give me the strength to stay strong always.Im not gonna give up on you.I know when my time come's for certain things you will show me and it will be special when those things happen.
In Him,

"Whatever you do,do it all for the glory of God."-1 Corinthians 10:31-

Rachael Moore

September 26 2005
keep God as your strength. remember that in Christ we are more than conquerors. and ALWAYS remember that you are not alone. i think, for us girls, that is a hard thing to believe. our biggest fear is being abandoned. and even with meaningful relationships and activities in our life, we can still feel very alone. but we aren't. God is always with us. there is a special hatred towards us-- and it comes in many forms-- all from Satan. you should read captivating. it explains this very well, along with other things about women. including an understanding about who God created them to be, wounds to our femine hearts, and about Satan's attacks on us. if you have God in your life, there is always hope. always. your life is for the glory of God. and He always works things to the good of those who love Him. He will take care of you. i will be praying for you. and if you ever need to talk, message me or email me. have a great night!