September 25 2005
Dear Lord,
Thanks,for just always believing in me.
Without you I wouldnt of ever had this hope to believe in anything again.I so cant wait to see Lord what you have in store for me each and everyday cause I know whatever it is that you will show me in certain ways.If its a problem I know you will always help me get through it.I know whatever problems or struggles you give me in life are given to me for a reason.I know the reason being is to help me fight to become straonger in my faith in you Lord to show me that I can get through it.Im glad I always have you to look upon no matter what problems I might be facing.Im just trusting in you now and forever to lead me down the right path.Im always wondering what you have in store for me in my near future.I wish you could just show me some kinda sign to where Im headed to in my life.I know Thursday was a special day you gave me to show me some sorta sign.I know it was a sign to get right with you and get up on my feet again to believe in you and Im glad I had that sign sent to me that day.
In Him,

Nathan Moore

September 26 2005
thanks for all your photo remarks!

Rachael Moore

September 26 2005
oh wow. that picture brings back so many memories. that was junior year, right? craziness. thanks for sending me that link! i hope you have a GREAT day!