
September 06 2005
They're coming out with a Wallace and Gromit movie!!! I flipped out when I saw the previews earlier, haha. Yes, that makes me supremely happy!

I freaking woke up at 7:20 for my 8:00 class. Pretty sure I graced the campus of MTSU without brushing my hair, teeth, washing my face, and without make-up. Yeah, I was roughin' it.

I've been told by two different people that I don't need to beat myself up over things. I never really realized I do it, but maybe I do. . . hm.

Oh, and go check out some pictures I took behind my house recently. They may be showing up on your friend digest.


September 06 2005
did it get better? see ya tomorrow. at lunch at Cyber.


September 07 2005
Well when I saw you looked just fine; I wouldn't have guessed you didn't have a chance to do any if the above! I know I beat myself over things...


September 07 2005
you always look great Anna Miller...don't be so hard on yourself. I know the feeling though, I am always my worse critic. well I hope you have a great week! :)


September 07 2005
You going to AO?

Daniel Kimbell

September 09 2005
Good luck with your classes! I'm sure you'll do great.