official college kid

August 29 2005
. . . today. Wow.

I woke up with an indescribable feeling of nervousness, but I quickly prayed to be calmed, and God worked through it. I got dressed, drove to the Bell Street parking lot, and walked in with Savannah, Crystal, and their friend Tim. My first class is English; Savannah and I sat front row and center for that one, haha. I got turned around on the 2nd floor of the BAS before finding my way out the correct way and seeing Garrett, Graham and Amy on my way. My next class is Understanding Mass Media, where the class count is about 300. It's not something I'm too terribly fond of, but oh well, it's college. Aron Ralston spoke to us once again, only this time, he talked about how the media worked throughout his story and such. After UMM, I made my longest walk to KOM where I walked into my class, Computer Science Orientation, and about paniced because all I saw was guys, and it was just a little awkward, lol. Other girls started coming in so it evened out the ratio a little more, haha. Our teacher let us go 30 minutes early, and I was done!

After school, Mom and I went to Suntrust to get this mess straightened out with my account, and now everything should be fine. We at at KFC for lunch before I left for work.

Once work was over, I headed over to the Christian Student Center where RFC meets for the "picnic"/devo. It was so cool, and the singing was really really good.

. . . tired.


August 29 2005
see nothing to fear. everythings going to go great! Glad everything is great with your account and I hope tomorrow and your Bio class is great fun.. Good Night!

Laura Polis

August 29 2005
try back and forth b/t PH and BAS twice a day, 3 days a week. ha!


August 30 2005
aww, I'm glad to hear it was a good first day of school for you. It's okay if you can't hang out...maybe I'll see you at church if you're there. well, u I hope you have a great week Anna Miller!