Writing this for the third time. . .

July 26 2005
. . . stupid delete and X out buttons.

So Renfroe and I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory today. It was awesome! I'm for real loving Johnny Depp right now, and Freddie Highmore is like, my favorite child actor. The soundtrack was amazing, too! Mmm, music.

Then, on the way to Arby's we witnessed somewhat of a situation that I'd rather not discuss online, but it was pretty scary/random/weird.

. . . and guys are strange. Actually, it's more like guy, but whatever.


July 26 2005
Bowling Thursday. at 9:15ish. Come! Bring friends.


July 27 2005
hmm yeah...I think all guys are strange, but please don't worry about it. If God thinks that there is something there between you two then it'll definitely happen in His own good timing.

Laura Polis

July 28 2005
no, don't go bowling, spend quality time with me! I have pool access! yes. i do!