
June 19 2006

I really despise denominationalism.

I wish people would understand that it's not about who's a member of what denomintation.

It's about who's a member of the Body of Christ.

No wonder so many are turned off from Christianity.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 19 2006
how'd that come up?

Becky A.

June 19 2006
Amen to that. Graham poses a good question of how it came up but I think as long as you believe there is a God and that he died on the cross for your sins then nothing else should matter. Good topic though.

Becky A.

June 19 2006
Oops, well I feel like an idiot. His Son died on the cross for our sins. Sorry about that.


June 19 2006
amen! i agree :o)

kelsey shearron

June 19 2006
amen sista milla.


June 19 2006
Yeah, if everyone were baptist, there would be no problem... To respond to your coment, we're going for the light in dark places and hanging out with sinners thing.


June 20 2006
I did.


June 21 2006
Oh, Anna, you know we don't sin.

Stephanie Renfroe

June 22 2006
Hahaha, you're so clever. Jerk. Just joshin'. We must have some of our infamous Anna and Renfroe random summer fun very soon!! Capesh?