With great friendship comes great sacrifice. . .

July 09 2005
. . . like sleep, lol.

"The heart does things for reason that reason cannot understand." -The Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement.

love love love that quote.

Mmm, more Dave Macon today!


July 09 2005
Sleep... ha ha... how long is the Dave Macon thing? I'm having a movie night tonight at 7, but if you're late that's ok. I hope you can come!


July 09 2005
Thank you for talking to me. It really did help alot. Have fun at Macon days.

Becky A.

July 09 2005
My mom was wanting to go to Dave Macon days but now we're going to the drive in movies instead. That's a very good quote.


July 09 2005
i love that quote! i'm such a quotes freak! haha

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 10 2005
That sounds great about the computer. Why not hooked to net yet? Hey, yeah, feel free to email me or talk to me on here or with messages and all whenever. I'll probably get on some at work and late at night with express, but who knows. :-) Lata.

Ashley Orman

July 10 2005
awesome quotie thingy woohoo

Aaron Massey

July 11 2005
hey it was awesome seeing you at Uncle Dave Macon days lol. Hope you had as good a time as I did. But hey drop me a line, tell me what's going on in your world. Peace. Aaron M.