Hm. . .

July 05 2005
Reality can be amazingly beautiful or depressingly discouraging. Sometimes, I set things up in my mind the way I want them to happen, and when everything turns out differently, I get down and don't know how to react to what's really going on. Right now, I'm trying to take everything for what it really is and actually use what I'm given for the better.

"Life is like that. You try and try for something and then, the moment you give up, there it is." -The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley

. . . story of my life

Sometimes, we hurt those we love the most because we trust them the most. We trust that they'll continue to love and be there for us no matter what. . . ((paraphrased from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants))

I don't understand how something that feels so right can be so wrong.


July 05 2005
All very true indeed. It can definitely be hard to learn to take life as it comes... but God always has everything under control, even when things don't turn out the way we expect them or want them.

Rachel Tenpenny

July 05 2005
wow that entry REALLY hits home for me lol. esp. this line: "Sometimes, we hurt those we love the most because we trust them the most. We trust that they'll continue to love and be there for us no matter what." dang. thats my situation right there, u summed it up in 2 sentences. i hope everything works out for ya.


July 05 2005
wow...i agree...reality is a hard concept to deal with...and i think @ times it's worse b/c we're girls b/c we feel so's sooo hard for us @ times to just rest in His love and trust Him & His plans...keeping fighting the good fight!


July 05 2005
that one qoute from travling pants i've heard before. i like it. glad life is going good. keep your head up.:-)


July 05 2005
goood quote. and im glad im going to mtsu too...we can be christian center buddies!!!! =)

the brian king kenobi

July 05 2005
anna miller, you are my hero.


July 05 2005
awww yay! i really like that song. the violins, piano, and harmonies are so beautiful.

Aaron Massey

July 05 2005
i know what you mean... thank you for the comment. i guess i'll see ya around. have a great summer.