
June 27 2005
My birthday is Thursday, but because of other things going on that day, I'm celebrating early. . . like, tomorrow evening. We'll meet at 6 to eat somewhere ((haven't decided where yet-- I'm up for suggestions)) and then go to Starbucks. Presents are up to you. I'd be happy with a card with some kind of message in it. If you're interested or whatever, leave a message or let me know. Check back for a place to eat.

Okay. Powers totally reminded me of an awesome place: BLUE COAST!!!! Mmm. So yeah. . . Blue Coast at 6:00. Starbucks afterwards. Mmm.


June 27 2005
There's this great place in town, I think it'd be gr... wait. nevermind :(


June 27 2005
Um... my vote is Mexican or burrito place. My second vote is Italian. My third vote is anywhere generic.


June 27 2005
Yes, I know I'm a genius... lol...


June 27 2005
yummy burritos!! i'll be there.