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Blackman High

100 photos!

May 12 2006

yes, today is a happy day. i have finally reached 100 photos! i could have done it a long time ago, but im too lazy to download all of my pictures onto phusebox.... hmph.... well..... it's friday! tomorrow means sleeping in and running a booth at a carnival. yaaaay. maybe i'll run a cotton candy machine or sumthin and i can get (yum) free cotton candy! mmmmm..... but i dont wanna think about candy right now. i went to the mall with alicia today and i got a snickerdoodle cookie, a chocolate truffle, a gourmet delight cookie, and a lemonade. then i came home to find that my mom went to jack-in-the-box and got me an oreo cookie shake. being nice and taking her offer, i ate a jumbo jack burger and the shake. i feel gross. like i need to run a mile or sumthin. oh, congratulations, mary beth! you did the best on my test! 80/100, pretty good, pretty good. if ur confused, take this test. it was in my last post, but only 4 ppl have taken it so far.

ok? will u take it? oh and here's a hint to the test: I WILL DIE FOR YOU!

Randy Rodden

May 12 2006
that's easy, I do that all the time!!!


May 13 2006
i love pictures, i love cotton candy, i love oreos...i think we'll get along real nicely at camp...